newsroom - significado y definición. Qué es newsroom
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Qué (quién) es newsroom - definición

·noun A room where news is collected and disseminated, or periodicals sold; a reading room supplied with newspapers, magazines, ·etc.
¦ noun the area in a newspaper or broadcasting office where news is processed.
A newsroom is an office in a newspaper, radio, or television organization where news reports are prepared before they are printed or broadcast.


A newsroom is the central place where journalists—reporters, editors, and producers, associate producers, news anchors, news designers, photojournalists, videojournalists, associate editor, residence editor, visual text editor, Desk Head, stringers along with other staffers—work to gather news to be published in a newspaper, an online newspaper or magazine, or broadcast on radio, television, or cable. Some journalism organizations refer to the newsroom as the city room.
Ejemplos de pronunciación para newsroom
1. JASON ANDREAS: The Newsroom.
Food As The Great Connector _ Chef Michael Schlow _ Talks at Google
2. feeding our newsroom
3. Inside the virtual newsroom,
4. Times" newsroom sometimes trying to--
McChesney _ Talks at Google
5. more efficient newsroom that allows
com _ Ezra Klein _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de newsroom
1. As a newsroom manager, he helped oversee the early–retirement buyouts that have reduced the size of the newsroom.
2. Environmental Protection Agency EPA Newsroom [U.S.
3. The newsroom simmered with anger, reporters said.
4. But I left the newsroom more enthralled than ever.
5. A small piece of shrapnel penetrated into the newsroom.